We construct equilibrium models of uniformly and differentially rotating hybrid hadron-quark stars using equations of state (EOSs) with a first-order phase transition that gives rise to a third family of compact objects. We find that the ratio of the maximum possible mass of uniformly rotating configurationsthe supramassive limit -to the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) limit mass is not EOS-independent, and is between 1.15 and 1.31, in contrast with the value of 1.20 previously found for hadronic EOSs. Therefore, some of the constraints placed on the EOS from the observation of the gravitational wave event GW170817 do not apply to hadron-quark EOSs. However, the supramassive limit mass for the family of EOSs we treat is consistent with limits set by GW170817, strengthening the possibility of interpreting GW170817 with a hybrid hadron-quark EOSs. We also find that along constant angular momentum sequences of uniformly rotating stars, the third family maximum and minimum mass models satisfy approximate EOS-independent relations, and the supramassive limit of the third family is approximately 16.5 % larger than the third family TOV limit. For differentially rotating spheroidal stars, we find that a lower-limit on the maximum supportable rest mass is 123 % more than the TOV limit rest mass. Finally, we verify that the recently discovered universal relations relating angular momentum, rest mass and gravitational mass for turning-point models hold for hybrid hadron-quark EOSs when uniform rotation is considered, but have a clear dependence on the degree of differential rotation. PACS. 04.40.Dg Relativistic stars: structure, and stability arXiv:1905.00028v1 [astro-ph.HE] 30 Apr 2019 4 Note that this result is in tension with what was found in [85] where different equations of state were adopted. M ↓ M TOV ↓ = 1 + 0.33 J J ↓,Kep 2 − 0.10 J J ↓,Kep 4 . (19)The spread in this equation is at most 2 %. 10 Moreover, we find that the bottom turning points can be described with the same Equations (18), but with a spread of 3 %. The universality becomes tighter if we consider top and bottom turning points separately. For the bottom turning points, the best-fitting functions are M ↓ M TOV ↓ = 1 + 0.35 J M TOV ↓ 2 2 − 0.12 J M TOV ↓ 2 4 , (20a) M 0,↓ M TOV 0,↓ = 1 + 0.58 J M TOV 0,↓ 2 2 − 0.35 J M TOV 0,↓ 2 4