Many low temperature disordered systems are expected to exhibit Poisson-Dirichlet (PD) statistics. In this paper, we focus on the case when the underlying disorder is a logarithmically correlated Gaussian process φN on the box [−N, N ] d ⊂ Z d . Canonical examples include branching random walk, * -scale invariant fields, with the central example being the two dimensional Gaussian free field (GFF), a universal scaling limit of a wide range of statistical mechanics models.The corresponding Gibbs measure obtained by exponentiating β (inverse temperature) times φN is a discrete version of the Gaussian multiplicative chaos (GMC) famously constructed by Kahane [37]. In the low temperature or supercritical regime, i.e., β larger than a critical βc, the GMC is expected to exhibit atomic behavior on suitable renormalization, dictated by the extremal statistics or near maximum values of φN . Moreover, it is predicted going back to a conjecture made in 2001 in [23], that the weights of this atomic GMC has a PD distribution.In a series of works culminating in [19], Biskup and Louidor carried out a comprehensive study of the near maxima of the 2D GFF, and established the conjectured PD behavior throughout the super-critical regime (β > 2). In another direction, in [28], Ding, Roy and Zeitouni established universal behavior of the maximum for a general class of log-correlated Gaussian fields.In this paper we continue this program simply under the assumption of log-correlation and nothing further. We prove that the GMC concentrates on an O(1) neighborhood of the local extrema and the PD prediction made in [23] holds, in any dimension d, throughout the supercritical regime β > √ 2d, significantly generalizing past results. While many of the arguments for the GFF make use of the powerful Gibbs-Markov property, in absence of any Markovian structure for general Gaussian fields, we develop and use as our key input a sharp estimate of the size of level sets, a result we believe could have other applications.