Based on the contact Hamiltonian Floer theory established in [23] that applies to any (admissible) contact Hamiltonian system (M, ξ = ker α, h), where h is a contact Hamiltonian function on a Liouville fillable contact manifold (M, ξ = ker α), we associate a persistence module to (M, ξ, h), called a gapped module, that is parametrized only by a partially ordered set. It enables us to define various numerical Floer-theoretic invariants. In this paper, we focus on the contact spectral invariants and their applications. Several key properties are proved, which include stability with respect to the Shelukhin-Hofer norm in [37] and a triangle inequality of the contact spectral invariant. In particular, our stability property does not involve any conformal factors; our triangle inequality is derived from a novel analysis on pair-of-pants in the contact Hamiltonian Floer homology. While this paper was nearing completion, the authors were made aware of upcoming work [12], where a similar persistence module for a contact Hamiltonian dynamics was constructed.