A theta is a graph made of three internally vertexdisjoint chordless paths P a b P a b = … , = … 1 2 S i j k , , be the tree with a vertex v, from which start three paths with i j , , and k edges, respectively. We denote by K t the complete graph on t vertices. We prove that for all nonnegative integers i j k , , , the class of graphs that contain no theta, no K 3 , and no S i j k , , as induced subgraphs have bounded treewidth. We prove that for all nonnegative integers i j k t , , , , the class of graphs that contain no even hole, no pyramid, no K t , and no S i j k , , as induced subgraphs have bounded treewidth. To bound the treewidth, we prove that every graph of large treewidth must contain a large clique or a minimal separator of large cardinality.