“…Massive connectivity has been considered one of the major requirements for realizing future communication networks, where billions of user devices participate in the Internet to exchange information [172]. As video traic Hit Ratio [117] Edge, ABS using FoV-aware Increased hit ratio by at least 40% and 17% compared with LFU and LRU, respectively [119] Smart edge caching Performance in terms of hit ratio was better than LFU, LRU, and FIFO [183] Edge, SVC, SPLF caching Achievable hit ratio outperformed LFU, LRU, and GDSF [26] A novelty caching solution Maximize the cache hit ratio under the constraints of the storage capacity and manifested the outperformance compared with LFU, LRU, and weighted GDSF [187] MUFC caching Gained better hit ratio than advanced FIFO caching and FairRide caching [139] LCC caching Signiicantly improved hit ratio value compared with independent and femto-caching [34] Edge, ABS using HITCOT Indicates the tradeof between the hit ratio and content quality Resource Consumption [169,190] Edge/Fog architectures Signiicantly reduced bandwidth consumption in a crowded network [188] Edge computing Gained efectiveness of low computing consumption, low latency, and high video quality [144] Edge/fog architectures Obtained the degradation of 7% computing load, 27.3% caching memory usage, 3.6% energy consumption, up to 33% backhaul, and 5% fronthaul communication bandwidth [47] ML-based viewport prediction Further saves bandwidth resources [11] ML-based resource allocation Energy eiciency approach to achieve substantial energy savings [58] DNN-based MCDNN Efective degradation of caching and energy consumption satisied the low-latency stringent requirement under the constraints of the given computing accuracy [96] DNN-based Chameleon 30ś50 % computing resource improvement and 20ś50 % higher computing accuracy [101] SDN and mCast Improved 50% link utilization achieved 0% network losses, leading to bandwidth savings [175] NFV, SDN, and mCast Maximized network throughput and minimized computing and bandwidth consumption [176] SDN, mCast, and scalable ABS Conirmed equivalent bandwidth efectiveness [40] Edge, mCast, and ABS Gained bandwidth and energy resource eiciency, ensured fairness and live capability [7] Hybrid unicast and mCast Provided high network load, low energy consumption, outperformed in the hit ratio, spectral eiciency, video quality, frame loss rate, bufering delay, re-bufering number [106] ...…”