“… , This mechanism was mainly substantiated by computational studies as only a limited amount of experimental evidence was reported. However, both computational and experimental observations suggested that the metathesis step might not have been feasible under the described reaction conditions and that the central atom (i.e., boron) might not have been directly involved in the overall reduction process. − In fact, for the hydroboration of polarized unsaturated bonds, the formation of four-coordinate B–H containing compound(s) (e.g., A , Scheme ), either through decomposition/redistribution or activation/binding by a nucleophile (e.g., the Clark mechanism; path 2, Scheme ), was postulated to represent a key initiator responsible for the generation of catalytically active species B in the overall mechanism. ,,− This was further supported by the fact that [HBPh 3 ] − (0.001 mol % as a Me 6 -TREN-Li salt) was identified as one of the most efficient (pre)catalytic systems for reduction of various carbonyl compounds at room temperature . Moreover, the fact that simple (in)organic salts (e.g., NaOH, n BuLi, NaH, KF, etc.)…”