The theory of Odle et al. for the z‐average of branched polycondensates is extended to the general case of co‐cross‐linking of primary chains with different functionalities. Examples are given for free radical and step growth polymerization. For polycondensates, assuming surplus of one functionality and complete conversion, a simple formula for the degree of polymerization DPz for functional groups is derived:
(fw, fz, gw, gz: weight and z‐averages of the functionalities of the monomers). The formula is applied to the branched step growth polymerization of monomers A2 + Af +B2 with reactive groups A and B and functionalities 2 and f > 2. The functionality f has practically no influence on the weight averages DPw and Mw if calculated as a function of the relative branching density ρr = ρ/ρc, where ρc = Af, c/(Af, c + A2) and Af, c is the critical value at the gel point. The z‐averages become increasingly larger with increasing f and the ratio DPz(f)/DPz(f = 3) is linear in ρr and f.