This paper suggests a model for the motion of tagged pedestrians: pedestrians moving towards a specified targeted destination, which they are forced to reach. It aims to be a decision-making tool for the positioning of fire fighters, security personnel and other services in a pedestrian environment. Taking interaction with the surrounding crowd into account leads to a differential nonzero-sum game model where the tagged pedestrians compete with the surrounding crowd of ordinary pedestrians. When deciding how to act, pedestrians consider crowd distribution-dependent effects, like congestion and crowd aversion. Including such effects in the parameters of the game, makes it a mean-field type game. The equilibrium control is characterized, and special cases are discussed. Behavior in the model is studied by numerical simulations.MSC 2010: 49N90, 49J55, 60H10, 60K30, 91A80, 93E20 Financial support from the Swedish Research Council (2016-04086) is gratefully acknowledged. We thank the anonymous reviewers for comments and suggestions that greatly helped to improve the presentation of the results, and we thank E. Cristiani for directing us to [23].Aurell, Djehiche/Tagged pedestrian model 2 the model include cancer cell dynamics and smart medicine in the human body, and malware propagation in a network, among other.The central planner's decision making is based on knowledge of the pedestrian distribution. As noted in [45], the pedestrian behavior in dense crowds is empirically random to some extent, likely due to the large number of external inputs. In a noisy environment, the central planner anticipates the behavior of the crowd and predicts the tagged's path to the target. As is standard in the mean-field approach, interaction with tagged and ordinary pedestrians is modeled as reactions to the state distribution of a representative tagged and ordinary pedestrian, respectively. This leads us to formulate a mean-field type game based model, which in certain scenarios reduces to an optimal control based model.
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