“…There also exists an extensive bibliography on robust, in particular, H ∞ filtering for linear (Xu and Chen (2003), Mahmoud and Shi (2003) and Xu et al (2005)) and nonlinear (Xie et al (1996), Nguang and Fu (1996), Fridman and Shaked (1997), Shi (1998), Fleming and McEneaney (2001), Yaz and Yaz (2001), Xu and van Dooren (2002), Wang et al (2003), Gao and Wang (2004), Zhang et al (2005), Gao et al (2005), Zhang et al (2007), Gao and Chen (2007), Wang et al (2008), Wang et al (2009), Wei et al (2009) and Shen et al (2009)) stochas-tic systems. Apart form the "general situation," the mean-square finite-dimensional filters have been designed for certain classes of polynomial system states with Gaussian noises over linear observations (Basin (2008), Basin et al (2008) and Basin et al (2009)) and a few results related to nonlinear Poisson systems can be found in Lu et al (2001), Kolmanovsky and Maizenberg (2002a), Hannequin and Mas (2002), Kolmanovsky and Maizenberg (2002b), Zhang et al (2008a), Dupé et al (2008), Zhang et al (2008b), and Basin and Maldonado (2011). Recently, the mean-square filtering problem for polynomial systems, where both, state and observation, equations include polynomial functions of the system state in the right-hand sides, was solved in Basin et al (2010); however, that paper did not consider systems corrupted with non-Gaussian noises.…”