Parallel systems have received increasing attention with numerous recent applications such as fork-join systems, load-balancing, and l-out-of-k redundancy. Common to these systems is a join or resequencing stage, where tasks that have finished service may have to wait for the completion of other tasks so that they leave the system in a predefined order. These synchronization constraints make the analysis of parallel systems challenging and few explicit results are known. In this work, we model parallel systems using a max-plus approach that enables us to derive statistical bounds of waiting and sojourn times. Taking advantage of max-plus system theory, we also show end-to-end delay bounds for multi-stage fork-join networks. We contribute solutions for basic G|G|1 fork-join systems, parallel systems with load-balancing, as well as general (k, l) fork-join systems with redundancy. Our results provide insights into the respective advantages of l-out-of-k redundancy vs. load-balancing.