Web of Science"chronic disease" OR "chronic illness" OR "multiple sclerosis" (Abstract) and "identity" OR "self-concept" OR "self-representation" OR "selfperception" OR "self-image" OR "concept of self" OR "representation of self" OR "perception of self" OR "image of self" (Abstract) and Article (Document Types) and English (Languages) Scopus (TITLE-ABS ( "chronic disease" OR "chronic illness" OR "multiple sclerosis" ) ) AND ( ( TITLE-ABS ( "identity" ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS ( "self-concept" OR "self-representation" OR "self-perception" OR "self image" OR "concept of self" OR "representation of self" OR "perception of self" OR "image of self" ) ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( EXACTKEYWORD , "Human" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( EXACTKEYWORD , "Humans" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "English" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( SRCTYPE , "j" ) )