Primary visual cortex (V1) has small receptive fields and processes feedforward information at a fine-18 grained spatial scale, whereas higher visual areas have larger, spatially invariant receptive fields. Therefore, 19 feedback could provide coarse information about the global scene structure or alternatively recover fine-20 grained structure by targeting small receptive fields in V1. We tested if feedback signals generalise across 21 different spatial frequencies of feedforward inputs, or if they are tuned to the spatial scale of the visual 22 scene. Using a partial occlusion paradigm, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and multivoxel 23 pattern analysis (MVPA) we investigated whether feedback to V1 contains coarse or fine-grained 24 information by manipulating the spatial frequency of the scene surround outside an occluded image portion.
25We show that feedback transmits both coarse and fine-grained information as it carries information about 26 both low (LSF) and high spatial frequencies (HSF