This research was conducted with the aim of revealing the achievement of the objectives of the Program Organisasi Penggerak (POP) implemented by LP Ma'arif NU at SDIT Ma'arif NU Ta'limul Qur'an. This research is a type of program evaluation research using the goal-oriented evaluation model. Meanwhile, the research method to be used is qualitative. The data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, interviews will be conducted with school principals, district facilitators, literacy teachers, and numeracy teachers. This research resulted in the conclusion that the main form of program provided by LP Ma'arif NU is training, which is also accompanied by assistance by regional facilitators, followed by monitoring and evaluation by The LP Ma'arif NU Center. The objectives of the POP have not been fully achieved. Especially in the first goal of understanding the urgency of literacy and numeracy, teacher understanding is still in the process of developing. Meanwhile, in terms of meaningful learning, teachers are able to understand and design literacy-and numeracy-based learning contextually. The third goal related to the integration of character values into subjects can already be done by teachers. Meanwhile, teachers can already develop learning that involves active student participation. Finally, teachers understand the concept of assessment well, although it still needs to be developed further. So, it can be concluded that this program has had a significant impact on developing literacy and numeracy skills. However, to ensure that the goals can be achieved optimally, there needs to be continuity in the program.