“…And, conversely, many in the library/information sciences are concerned about the application of the term 'information' to objective, meaningless patterns. Le Coadic (1987), Cole (1994), Hjørland (2007Hjørland ( , 2008, and Ma (2012), for example, argue in various ways against any equating of the idea of information as an objective and measurable 'thing' to the kind of information of interest in library and information science; this kind of information, such commentators argue, is subjective in nature, having meaning for a person in a particular context, and cannot be reduced to a single objective, still less quantifiable, definition. However, this perhaps overlooks some recent trends in the physical and biological sciences themselves: not merely the increased focus on information noted above, but a tendency towards conceptualisations involving non-linearity, systems thinking, complexity, and reflexivity.…”