This article deals with the psychological mechanisms of student’s professional, cultural and social self-determination in the educational process. It is actual as it develops students’ capabilities and competencies in their future work and life. Learning foreign languages in specific professional field is not an exception in this regard. Educators should take into consideration business, academic, cultural spheres and situations. Psychological approach to pedagogical process must be closely connected with the self-determination of students. This tendency is the leading one and is recognized as a priority from the education renovation point of view. The authors think that information technology background is of great importance. Electronic courses are made to teach students on line. Students also should understand what is necessary to learn. Psychological, cultural approach will be of great importance in the educational process. Methods: Mind – maps, pie charts, dramatization, projects, role-playing are of great importance in teaching different aspects of knowledge. The most important aspects are of course self-development and personal growth. Conclusions and Recommendations: integrating psychology into the foreign language syllabus is badly needed. Also of great importance is digitalization of the educational process, non-liner way of thinking and self-assurance.