The SSD 3 three channel seismic recorder and the ADSS 3 three component broadband stand alone digital seismic station based on the SSD 3 together with SM 3E seismic sensors were developed. The main advantage of this equipment in comparison with foreign and domestic analogs is simplicity and conve nience while maintaining high technical characteristics. The structure and operation of the seismic sensor and seismic recorder are considered, and their main technical characteristics are given. Laboratory, bench, and comparative tests of the seismic recorder and station demonstrated their working capacity and compli ance with the development goal. Based on the test results, the ADSS 3 seismic station was commissioned as a three component broadband observation point of the Mikhnevo small aperture seismic array. The data obtained using the ADSS 3 made is possible to study the structure of the crust and upper mantle of this region using the receiver function method.