Quantum nonlocality has different manifestations that, in general, are revealed by local measurements of the parts of a composite system. In this paper, we focus on the kind of nonlocality that arises from a set of orthogonal states that cannot be perfectly distinguished by local operations and classical communication (LOCC). Such a set is deemed nonlocal, for a joint measurement on the whole system is necessary for perfect discrimination of the states with certainty. On the other hand, a set of orthogonal states that can be perfectly distinguished by LOCC is believed to be devoid of nonlocal properties. In this paper, we study the properties of orthogonal sets that are locally distinguishable and without local redundancy. The latter implies that they become nonorthogonal on discarding one or more subsystems. We show that such a set may be locally converted, with certainty, into another orthogonal set of states that cannot be locally distinguished. Notably, the cardinality does not change in the process. We illustrate this with several examples. We also provide a partial characterization of those that do not have this property. Conceptually, our result can be viewed as activation of nonlocality in the scenario of local state discrimination. We also suggest an application, namely, local hiding of information, that allows us to locally hide the locally available information without losing any part. Once hidden, the information in its entirety can only be retrieved using entanglement.Quantum systems consisting of two or more subsystems may have nonlocal properties that, in general, are revealed by local measurements of the parts. Perhaps the most wellknown manifestation of quantum nonlocality, viz., Bell nonlocality [1-3] arises from entangled states [4] through their violation of Bell-type inequalities [5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. The latter implies that the predictions of quantum theory cannot be explained by any local theory. Bell nonlocality is of particular importance in quantum foundations [1], quantum information [1] and applications thereof. For example, Bell nonlocality tests are routinely used to certify device-independent quantum protocols [12][13][14][15][16].