We present a scheme to extract information about plumes, a prominent coherent structure in turbulent thermal convection, from simultaneous local velocity and temperature measurements. Using this scheme, we study the temperature dependence of the plume velocity and understand the results using the equations of motion. We further obtain the average local heat flux in the vertical direction at the cell center. Our result shows that heat is not mainly transported through the central region but instead through the regions near the sidewalls of the convection cell. where v is the velocity field, p the pressure divided by density, T the temperature field, andẑ is the unit vector in the vertical direction. Furthermore, δT = T − T 0 where T 0 is the mean temperature of the bulk fluid, g is the acceleration due to gravity and α, ν, and κ are respectively the volume expansion coefficient, kinematic viscosity and thermal diffusivity of the fluid. The state of fluid motion is characterized by the geometry of the cell and two dimensionless parameters: the Rayleigh number, Ra = αg∆L 3 /(νκ), which measures how much the fluid is driven and the Prandtl number, Pr = ν/κ, which is the ratio of the diffusivities of momentum and heat of the fluid. Here ∆ is the maintained temperature difference between the bottom and the top, and L is the height of the cell. When Ra is sufficiently large, the convective motion becomes turbulent. In turbulent convection, local velocity and temperature measurements taken at a point within the convection cell display complex fluctuations in time. On the other hand, visualization of the flow reveals recurring coherent structures. One prominent coherent structure is a plume, which is a mushroom-like flow generated by buoyancy. Thus at least two strategies can be employed to study turbulent thermal convection or turbulent flows in general. One is to analyze and understand the fluctuations of the local measurements. The other is to characterize the coherent structures and study and understand their dynamics. These two approaches are not independent but provide complementary knowledge of turbulent flows. In particular, there is the natural question of whether and how information about the coherent structures can be extracted from the local measurements.For turbulent flows not driven by buoyancy, various methods including proper orthogonal decomposition, conditional sampling and wavelet analysis have been proposed to identify coherent vortical structures from local velocity measurements [2]. On the other hand, much less work has been done in identifying plumes or extracting information about plumes in turbulent thermal convection [3,4,5]. Belmonte and Libchaber[3] used the skewness of the temperature derivative as a signature of the plumes. Zhou and Xia[4] associated the difference in the skewness of the positive and negative parts of the temperature difference with the presence of plumes and identified the plumes whenever the temperature difference becomes larger than a chosen threshold [6]. In Ref.[5], plu...