The control of microwave (MW) radiation transmission through the polarization state of the incident beam is the basis for many applications in sensors and optics. Altering the polarization state of electromagnetic radiation by transmission through a metamaterial (MTM) lens could lead to novel devices and sensors. The polarization properties of 1D split ring resonator and rod type MTM structures were investigated and compared to a previously reported corresponding 2D MTM lens. Unlike the 2D lens, the 1D MTM did not contribute to a change in polarization state of transmitted MWs. The transmission response, however, was found to be determined by the coupling mechanisms between the MTMs constituent elements and orientation of the incident MW polarization. For the 1D lens, changing incident polarization from alignment parallel to the MTMs rod elements to alignment perpendicular to the rods, at resonance frequency, changes the effective index of refraction from net negative to positive. For a MTM structure, facing perpendicular to the incident radiation, the effective electromagnetic properties change from negative permittivity and positive permeability (for polarization parallel to the rod elements) to positive permittivity and negative permeability (for polarization perpendicular to the rod elements). © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 56:1218–1222, 2014