Abstmet-This paper addresses the issue of call admission control with the necesary QaS guarantee for a micddala integrated wireless cellular network. Specifically, we propose a new call admission control policy called Dual-Threshold Call Admission Conml (DT-CAC) policy. It uses hw rhresholdr, one to reserve channels for narrow-band voice handoffcalls, and the other for wideband data handoff Irffic. Its unique features am: 1) it adopts the Complete Sharing (CS) approach that maximizes the channel emciency; 2) it derives the o p I h " se1 of thresholds that satisfies the QoS target on handoff dropping probabilities for both voice and data traffic, while at the same time minimizing the maximal new call hlwkining probability (voice or data). IQ performance is well supported by simulation results.
I. INTRODUCTlONThere has been a rapid development in wireless cellular communications. The next generation of networks are expected to eventually carry multimedia traffic. One of the key issues is to ensure that the QoS requirement of the different applications are guaranteed. This paper addresses the call admission control for a voiddata integrated wireless cellular network. One of the key design goals is to limit the handoff dropping probability below a certain constraint. While cell sizes are systematically decreased to enable better frequency reuse, this also considerably increases the number of handoffs during a mobile's life time. Therefore, it becomes increasingly critical in micro or pico-cell wireless networks to have mechanisms that meet the following two challenges. First, they must maintain the handoff dropping probability at pre-specified target QoS levels. Second, in view of the increasing popularity of data services from simple short messages to GPRS, the networks must satisfy the different QoS requirements of all types of traffic.The Guard Channel (GC) based policies have been extensively studied in the traditional voice-centric cellular networks [4], (91. Its extension, the Fractional Guarded Channel (FCC) policy, is optimal for minimizing the call blocking probability subject to a hard constraint on the call dropping probability 181. For networks accommodating both narrow-band and narrow-band calls can request handoffs. Haung et al considered a voiceldata integrated system with finite buffers [SI, but the boundary for channel separation is "movable" according to traffic condition.To the best of our knowledge, there have been little studies addressing the QoS guarantee for multiple traffic types, which is the objective in this paper. Specifically, we propose a new call admission control policy called Dual-Threshold Call Admission Control (DT-CAC) policy, whose objective is to minimize the maximal new call blocking probability (voice or data) while satisfying the hard constraints on handoff dropping probabilities for both voice and data traffic.In order to maximize channel utilization, we adopt the CS approach, rather than the CP approach (21, [7]. The CP approach divides the available channels into separate...