Research suggests the importance of mathematics knowledge for teaching (MKT) for enabling elementary school teachers to effectively teach mathematics. MKT involves both mathematical content knowledge (M‐CK) and mathematical pedagogical content knowledge (M‐PCK). However, there is no consensus on how best to prepare elementary preservice teachers (PSTs) to achieve M‐CK and M‐PCK. This study builds on research related to MKT by investigating influences of mathematics content courses designed specifically for elementary PSTs (IMPACT courses—Impact of Mathematics Pedagogy and Content on Teaching) on their attitudes (i.e., confidence and motivation) toward M‐CK and M‐PCK. Results suggest that the PSTs who participated in these IMPACT courses not only acquired high levels of confidence and motivation toward M‐CK, but also showed significant and greater gains in attitudes toward M‐PCK, after taking the required mathematics methods course, than their counterparts. Further, the findings suggest that these IMPACT courses provided a mathematical foundation that allowed the PSTs to engage in mathematics teaching methods better than those PSTs who did not have such a foundation. These results suggest potential course experiences that may enhance M‐CK and M‐PCK for elementary PSTs.