Brief reference to the origins of studies of monolayer films on water is followed by descriptions of two of the principal methods of examining their properties: the relation between film area and pressure, and the surface viscosity.
Films can be produced either from actual fibre‐forming polymers, e.g. cellulose, cellulose triacetate (CTA) or models, e.g. certain proteins to represent wool, and their reactions with dyes studied. All effects of the morphology of the fibres, especially porosity, can thus be eliminated, and the actual fibre‐dye forces revealed.
Three general types of film behaviour have been identified in the above type of study:
Monionic dyes penetrate the film, while their ionic group remains in the water. The film is thus expanded, but becomes weaker and more compressible. Examples include monosulphonated dyes with proteins and mono‐ionic basic dyes with cellulose.
Dyes with planar molecules and two or more widely spaced sulphonate groups, with cellulose or protein films, as well as disperse dyes with CTA, orientate beneath the film, with their molecules parallel with the polymer chains in the film. Direct dyes with cellulose react in this way, but the bond to the cellulose is weak, and the film viscosity is not increased. Disperse dyes form a strong bond with the CTA film, by polar forces, and increase the film viscosity.
Reactive dyes or bifunctional dyes with certain strongly‐bonding groups, e.g. ‐OH, in the molecule, expand the film and greatly increase its viscosity and in certain cases form crosslinks with the polymer chains, thus strengthening the film.
The application of the Gibbs adsorption equation to some of the above types of reaction is discussed.