593The following misprints were found: 1. On page 437, in the right column, in the penultimate paragraph of the paper, the sentence beginning with "Taking into account … " to the end of the sentence should read as "Taking into account that the threshold of the p + 28 Si p + 28 P + π -reaction is equal to 0.154 GeV and the average energy transfer is ω = (0.145 ± 0.003) GeV, the binding energy of the π -meson seems to be too high (0.009 ± 0.003 GeV)." 2. Item 20 in the list of references should read as "M. Andersson, Chr. Bargholtz, B. Chernyshev, et al., Phys. Rev. C 66 , 022203 (2002)."We apologize to the readers of the journal and particularly to B.A. Chernyshov, the coauthor of work [20].
Translated by R. Tyapaev