This paper reports results from wideband MIMO measurements performed in short range fixed wireless environments at 5.2 GHz. The objective is to provide MIMO channel characterization results for the measured environments and contribute to the limited available similar studies. Two kinds of propagation scenarios are investigated, rooftop to rooftop and street to rooftop, at three different sites always under LOS propagation conditions. The analysis of measurement data is performed in the context of non physical modeling, providing insight into the statistics of the measured channels. In particular, the slow time varying nature of the channel is studied and the narrow Doppler spectrum shape is approximated. Furthermore, frequency correlation results are obtained and the typical delay dispersion measures are extracted. Then, the antenna correlation is studied and the error of the Kronecker product approximation is evaluated. Finally, capacity results are provided and the channel measurements are characterized in terms of spatial multiplexing quality and multipath richness through condition number analysis.