Recently, a high energy electron beam from accelerators studied on the application for foods and medical devices irradiation, therapy, denature material, discolored semi-precious stones and degradation of environment pollution (Gas, Water, and Sludge Waste). The advantages of electron beam from accelerators are high power density and easy focusing on the target, but electron beam is only useful to irradiate on the surface of the irradiation product because their penetration is short. In order to irradiate high area density products, the X-ray converter is used to generate photon (bremsstrahlung effect). In this article, converting efficiency and direction of X-ray emission is measured by film dosimeter and simulated by MCNP-4c2 code. Measurement and simulation results show that converting efficiency depends on materials of the targets and electron energy, the converting efficiency of Ti – H2O – Pb converter at electron beam energy 5.0 MeV, 7.5 MeV, and 10.0 MeV are 5.57 %, 7.12 %, and 13.54 %. Ti – H2O – Pb converter is made up of 3 layers of Ti wrap material with the function of bearing, heat resistance, circulating cooling water between Ti and Pb layers to cooling, so it is applied for the accelerator.