Effect of large-angle scattering, ion flow speed and ion-neutral collisions on dust transport under microgravity conditions V Land and W J Goedheer Abstract. Nanoparticle charging in a capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge in argon is studied using a particle in cell Monte Carlo collisions method. The plasma parameters and dust potential were calculated selfconsistently for different unmovable dust profiles. A new method for definition of the dust floating potential is proposed, based on the information about electron and ion energy distribution functions, obtained during the kinetic simulations. This approach provides an accurate balance of the electron and ion currents on the dust particle surface and allows us to precisely calculate the dust floating potential. A comparison of the obtained floating potentials with the results of the traditional orbital motion limit (OML) theory shows that in the presence of the ion resonant charge exchange collisions, even when the OML approximation is valid, its results are correct only in the region of a weak electric field, where the ion drift velocity is much smaller than the thermal one. With increasing ion drift velocity, the absolute value of the calculated dust potential becomes significantly smaller than the theory predicts. This is explained by a non-Maxwellian shape of the ion energy distribution function for the case of fast ion drift.