[1] Time series measurements of 210 Pb and 7 Be made on ambient aerosols, collected from a low-altitude urban site (Ahmedabad, 23.0°N, 72.6°E, 49 m asl) and a high-altitude station (Mt. Abu, 24.6°N, 72.7°E, 1680 m asl) located in a high-dust semiarid region of western India, reveal characteristic pattern of temporal variability consistent over three years (2000)(2001)(2002). The relatively high concentrations of 210 Pb (>1 mBq m À3 ) during wintertime (November-February) are dominated by continental air masses from the northeast; whereas lower values during the summer months (April-May) and southwest monsoon season (June-August) are associated with (southwesterly) maritime air. The concentration of 210 Pb in individual rain events at Ahmedabad, collected during the southwest monsoon for the same three-year period, also exhibits large variability (range of 3-367 mBq L À1 ; volume-weighted mean of 74 mBq L À1 ). This first set of data on the simultaneous measurements in rain and aerosols from a semiarid region is useful in deriving scavenging ratio (SR = 290) of 210 Pb. On the basis of data for the three consecutive years (2000)(2001)(2002), we find that both dry and wet deposition fluxes of 210 Pb center around 2-4 mBq cm À2 a À1 , suggesting relative dominance of dry deposition in a semiarid region. When used in conjunction with 210 Pb, 7 Be provides information on the vertical mixing of air masses. During the dry season (January-May and SeptemberDecember), abundances of 7 Be and 210 Pb (mBq m À3 ) in ambient aerosols over Ahmedabad ( 7 Be, 1.9 ± 0.1 to 6.0 ± 0.3; 210 Pb, 0.32 ± 0.03 to 1.9 ± 0.2) and Mt. Abu ( 7 Be, 3.8 ± 0.2 to 7.6 ± 0.3; 210 Pb, 0.39 ± 0.05 to 1.8 ± 0.2) do not show any covariance, suggesting their usefulness as independent tracers of air masses and pollutants transport. Assuming literature-based constant 222 Rn flux and measured abundance of 210 Pb in aerosols, a model-based approach has provided a simple way to ascertain residence time of tropospheric aerosols, varying from $5 days during the dry season and $2 days in the wet season. These results attempt to fill a major existing gap for the south Asian region under Global Atmospheric Watch program. Citation: Rastogi, N., and M. M. Sarin (2008), Atmospheric 210 Pb and 7 Be in ambient aerosols over low-and high-altitude sites in semiarid region: Temporal variability and transport processes,