Aerobic anoxygenic photoheterotrophic (AAP) bacteria can use both dissolved organic matter and light for energy production, but their photosynthesis does not produce oxygen. We measured AAP bacterial cell and bacteriochlorophyll distributions in the northwest Atlantic, from the coast of the Gulf of Maine to the Sargasso Sea, in October 2001 and March 2002. The abundance of AAPs ranged from 7 ϫ 10 3 to 9.8 ϫ 10 4 cells mL Ϫ1 (mean, 2.9 ϫ 10 4 mL Ϫ1 ) in surface waters, or between 1% and 9% (mean, 2.3%) of total bacteria. Mean abundances in October in the Gulf of Maine (6.6 ϫ 10 4 mL Ϫ1 ) were about five times higher than those measured in March (1.3 ϫ 10 4 mL Ϫ1 ), whereas the mean Sargasso Sea values were not different between October and March. AAP cells were larger than other bacteria, so AAP biomass ranged from 2% to 13% of total bacterial biomass. AAP cells were higher in abundance, biomass, and proportion of total bacteria in productive coastal and shelf waters than in the Sargasso Sea. Cell quotas of bacteriochlorophyll were low and quite variable, ranging from 0.02 to 0.17 fg cell Ϫ1 (mean, 0.08 fg cell Ϫ1 ). Our results indicate possible control by temperature and organic and inorganic nutrients on the distribution of planktonic AAPs, but they do not support the idea that they are specifically adapted to oligotrophic conditions. A unique type of bacterial phototrophic metabolism has recently been shown to be widespread in the ocean (Kolber et al. 2000(Kolber et al. , 2001Goericke 2002). These bacteria, termed aerobic anoxygenic photoheterotrophs (AAPs), use bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a but are differentiated from purple and green anoxygenic phototrophs by their requirements for oxygen, synthesis of BChl a pigments under dark aerobic conditions, and by their dependence on respiration for energy, with photosynthesis having a stimulatory effect on growth. These cells can use light to fix carbon (Koblízek et al. 2003) and/or to synthesize adenosine triphosphate and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), but they do not produce oxygen. They were first isolated from a variety of marine environments by Shiba et al. (1979). Direct cultivation from water samples was rarely successful (0.9% of isolates) relative to isolation from seaweeds and beach
AcknowledgmentsWe thank Capt. Dick Hogus and the crew of the R/V Cape Hatteras. Brian Thompson, Rich Entel, Renée Lagasse, and Helga Gomes prepared samples and measured Chl a on the cruises. Zbignew Kolber provided microscope advice. Robert Guillard provided a critical review of the manuscript.