High purity silicon is considered as the test mass material for future cryogenic gravitational-wave detectors, in particular Einstein Telescope-low frequency and LIGO Voyager [(LIGO) Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory]. To reduce the thermal noise of the test masses, it is necessary to study the sources of corresponding losses. Mechanical resonators with frequencies 300 Hz–6 kHz are successfully used for studying, for example, losses in optical coatings of the test mass. However, the frequency range of the interferometric gravitational-wave detectors starts at 10 Hz, and the investigation of different dissipation mechanisms for the test masses in the low-frequency region is relevant. We developed a design of a four-spiral mechanical resonator for studying dissipation and noise in the low frequency range. The resonator was fabricated of a 3-in. silicon wafer using an anisotropic wet etching technique. It consists of four spiral cantilevers on a common base, linked together with additional coupling beams for increasing the frequency difference between the resonator normal modes corresponding to the fundamental flexural off-plane mode of a single spiral cantilever. The measured Q-factor of the 62 Hz out-of-phase mode of the four-spiral silicon resonator at room temperature is limited mainly by the thermoelastic loss. At 123 K, the measured Q = (1.5 ± 0.3) × 107. The main contribution to the total loss comes from clamping and surface losses.