Bricillus alt~alophili~r strain ATCC 27647 showed usual growth characteristics, when inoculated at pH 10.4. The cells entered the logarithmic phase at pH 10.3, and as growth continued, the pH dropped further to a value of 8.8 in the stationary phase. B. alcalophilus strain DSM 485 showed comparable growth only in the initial phase after the addition to fresh medium. The small initial growth period was succeeded by a long lag phase, where the pH continuously dropped. The cells resumed growth after the pH was about 10.0 and continued to grow accompanied by a further decrease of external pH. The bioenergetic parameters measured in the initial growth phase of the two strains at high pH (10.1 -10.3) were nearly the same, i.e. ApH = + 97 to + 110 mV, d y i = -206 to -213 mV and ADH+ = -109 to -103 mV. The inverted proton gradient of about 1.7-1.9 at high pH decreased, as the external pH dropped during growth. This led to an increase of the proton motivc force ( A D H + ) , although the membrane potential ( d~i ) also declined. The ATP/ADP ratio of strain DSM 485 was high (4.5 -5.5) at fast growth during the initial and second growth period. The ratio declined to about 1.5 at the end of the lag phase. At the initial growth phase and at the end of the lag phase, the ADH + was, however, the same ( z -106 mV) and considerably lower than in the middle of the second growth period ( z -140 mV). Fast growth, therefore. correlates with a high ATP/ADP ratio but not necessarily with a high ADH + . Addition of graniicidin or carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone stopped growth of B. alcrrlophilus strain DSM 485 at pH 10.3 or 9.5 and graniicidin immediately decreased the internal ATP/ADP ratio from 4.5 to 1.2 at pH 10.3.The obligate alkaliphilic bacteria grow at pH values above 10.0. At high alkaline pH values, the cytoplasmic pH is maintained at or below pH 8.6 by virtue of the electrogenic Na + / H + antiporter which is energized by A y established in the H ' -translocating respiratory chain [I]. The bioenergetic consequences of the antiporter action are a decrease of the proton motive force and a simultaneous increase of the sodium motive force. I t is reasonable, therefore, that the alkaliphilic bacteria use ADNa+ instead ofdfi,, to drive solute uptake [2] and flagellar motion [3]. Based on these data and on the notion that ATP synthesis in Propiotiigmium riiodestuni is driven by A b N a + [4], it was hypothesized by us and others that the alkaliphilic Bacilli likewise take advantage of the Na' -coupled ATP synthesis mechanism [5, 61.In order to test this hypothesis. we have recently isolated the ATPase of B~i l l i i s tiltdophilus [7]. Surprisingly, the purified enzyme, which is of the usual FIFO structure, catalyzed H t but not Na' translocation, if incorporated into proteoliposonies [8]. In addition, the reconstituted enzyme C'orres~Joriclc./ic.e to 1' . Dimroth. Mikrobiologisches Institut der ETH Ziirich. ETH-Zentrum, Schmclzbcrgstr. 7, CH-8092 Ziirich, SwitzerlandAhhrevicitiom. CCCP, carbonylcyanide rwchlorophenylhydra...