A set of phenomenological wave functions has been derived to describe the 14N ground state and the isospin triplet consisting of the 14C ground state, the first excited state of 14N at 2.313 MeV and the 140 ground state. Elastic and inelastic electron scattering form factors, the magnetic moment of the 14N ground state and the shape factors in the /~ -+ decay have been employed in a multiparameter fitting procedure to determine the amplitudes of the wave functions in L-S coupling. The inclusion of the beta decay observables in the fit has become possible for the first time since exact formulas for the shape factor in higher order do exist. The set of wave functions deduced exhibit predominately an L = 0 contribution for the 0 +; 1 states and L --1 and 2 contributions of nearly equal weight for the 1 § 0 state. It was observed that the inclusion of the shape factors allowed a more stringent determination of the amplitudes compared to previous attempts reported in the literature and led in the case of the 0 +; 1 states to wave functions that show a small but noticeable difference within the isospin triplet. Besides the observables used for the fit, the radiative width Fy (M1) of the 2.313 MeV state in 14N can be described quite well with the derived wave functions, and in addition it has become possible to predict the pathological large ft-value of the 14C decay and the ft + value of the 140 decay precisely. The wave functions are also applied to calculate the 14N (y, g +) cross section.