We calculate the cross sections for the production of the J/+ in nucleon-nucleon interactions on the basis of a naive Drell-Yan-type parton model where the I production is considered as production through the resonant or fusion interaction of quarks and antiquarks resident in the colliding nucleons. The interacting quarks are assumed to act as free point Dirac particles obeying the Bethe-Heitler description of annihilation to lepton pairs. where Fq is the width for a specific quark, FM, is the width for decay to muon pairs, and F is the total width. We then find the number of resonant interactions per second derived from the flux A(M) by integrating Eq. 2 with the I-spin, J = 1, and the quark spin, Sq = 1/2:The ratio of resonance production of muon pairs and the background production through the Bethe-Heitler mechanism will then be:For a given value of FM, this ratio will be largest for Fq F» >> rF; for a given value of r, the ratio will be greatest for the condition r, = Fq = F/2, which corresponds to the familiar unitary limit of ir/k2 with spin factors. The respective limits will then be:or RAM = 0.665 -i0 rF/(AM Q2), [5] where Q2 cannot be less than 1/9. We can define a more realistic limit by considering that the mean square charge effective in background pair production in proton-nucleus interactions will be about 1/3, and from 1A-e universality: r, = re. If we introduce color and assume that u and d-quark couplings to the resonant state are equal, the maximum possible value of the ratio RM will occur for the condition such that rur=ruw=rub=Frd=rdw=rdb=r/6>>r =re and, for numerical convenience, taking AM as 1 GeV/c2 and r in keV, RM = 0.13 FM.[6]If we express the maximum value of R, in terms of the total width, the maximum will occur under the condition [7]If we use the measured* value of FM for the I as 4.8 keV, the maximum value of RJMallowed by the unitary limit of Eq. 6 will be 0.64 independent of the total width. If we use the measured total width, F = 69 keV, as a constraint, the maximum value of Ri', calculated from Eq. 7, will be 1.45 independent of the magnitude of r,. We will see that the measured value of R, is of the order of, or greater than, 5 and then violates these limits by large factors.Most of the reports of measurements of J/I production in nucleon-nucleon interactions through measurements of lepton pairs do not present values of the continuum in a manner that can be applied to an evaluation of RI, unambiguously. We then present measured valuest of Ba in Fig. 1 together with the "best fit" to the continuum lepton pair production proposed by Pope and Lederman (11) for the cross section dobh/dM for M = M and dM taken as 1.0 GeV. The error marked on the continuum cross section is our own and is intended to be generous. The value of R. can then be taken directly from the graph as the ratio of the two sets of values. Defined in this way, the measured value of RM appears to be more or less independent of energy except, perhaps, at the lowest energies, and appears to have a value that ...