This paper presents a validation test comparing angular distributions from an electron multiple-scattering experiment with those generated using the MCNP6 Monte Carlo code system. In this experiment, a 13-and 20-MeV electron pencil beam is deflected by thin foils with atomic numbers from 4 to 79. To determine the angular distribution, the fluence is measured down range of the scattering foil at various radii orthogonal to the beam line. The characteristic angle (the angle for which the max of the distribution is reduced by 1/e) is then determined from the angular distribution and compared with experiment. Multiple scattering foils tested herein include beryllium, carbon, aluminum, copper, and gold. For the default electron-photon transport settings, the calculated characteristic angle was statistically distinguishable from measurement and generally broader than the measured distributions. The average relative difference ranged from 5.8% to 12.2% over all of the foils, source energies, and physics settings tested. This validation illuminated a deficiency in the computation of the underlying angular distributions that is well understood. As a result, code enhancements were made to stabilize the angular distributions in the presence of very small substeps. However, the enhancement only marginally improved results indicating that additional algorithmic details should be studied.