Apparate und Methoden / Elektronenaffinitat / Massenspektroskopie / Molekiilstruktur / Zwischenmolekulare WechselwirkungenResonance dissociative attachment of monoenergetic electrons in the energy range from 0.0 eV to 10 eV to CCl,, CHCI,, CH,CI, and CHJ1 has been studied using a trochoidal electron monochromator and a quadrupole mass filter. The following fragment negative ions as a function of electron impact energy could be observed: C1-. CI;, CCl; and CCI; from CCI,; CI-, HCI; and CCl; from CHCI,; CI-, Cl; and CC1; from CHZCI, and CI-and CH,Cl-from CH,CI. -The attachment cross section decreases rapidly as H replaces CI. Appearance potentials for the negative fragments and for c c l 3 and CC1, electron affinities in the limit of the excess energy are given.