Miglino M.A. 2010. Establishment of a protocol for obtention of neuronal stem cells lineages from the dog olfactory epithelium. Pesquisa . Departamento de Ciência Animal, Campus Universitário, Bairro Cibrazen, Bom Jesus, PI 64900-000, Brazil. E-mail: flavioribeiro@ufpi.edu.br A morphological and cell culture study from nasal mucosa of dogs was performed in order to establish a protocol to obtain a cell population committed to neuronal lineage, as a proposal for the treatment of traumatic and degenerative lesions in these animals, so that in the future these results could be applied to the human species. Twelve mongrel dogs of 60-day aged pregnancy were collected from urban pound dogs in São Paulo. Tissue from cribriform ethmoidal lamina of the fetuses was collected at necropsy under sterile conditions around 1h to 2h postmortem by uterine sections and sections from the fetal regions described above. Isolated cells of this tissue were added in DMEM/F-12 medium under standard conditions of incubation (5% CO 2 , >37°C). Cell culture based on isolated cells from biopsies of the olfactory epithelium showed rapid growth when cultured for 24 hours, showing phase-bright sphere cells found floating around the fragments, attached on culture flasks. After 20 days, a specific type of cells, predominantly ellipsoids or fusiform cells was characterized in vitro. The indirect immunofluorescence examination showed cells expressing markers of neuronal precursors (GFAP, neurofilament, oligodendrocyte, and III â-tubulin). The cell proliferation index showed Ki67 immunostaining with a trend to label cell groups throughout the apical region, while PCNA immunostaining label predominantly cell groups lying above the basal lamina. The transmission electron microscopy from the olfactory epithelium of dogs revealed cells with electron-dense cytoplasm and preserving the same distribution as those of positive cell staining for PCNA. Metabolic activity was confirmed by presence of euchromatin in the greatest part of cells. All these aspects give subsidies to support the hypothesis about resident progenitor cells among the basal cells of the olfactory epithelium, committed to renewal of these cell populations, especially neurons. RESUMO.-[Estabelecimento de um protocolo para obtenção de linhagens de células-tronco neuronais a partir do epitélio olfatório de cães.] Foi realizado um estudo morfológico e por cultivo celular a partir de células provenientes da mucosa olfatória de cães, como forma de estabelecer um protocolo de cultivo, como uma proposta para o tratamento de lesões traumáticas e nervosas degenerativas nestes animais e futuramente, para que tais resultados possam ser aplicados a espécie humana. Foram utilizados doze cães sem raça definida, a termo, oriundos de castrações do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de São Paulo. O tecido da lâmina cribiforme do etmóide dos fetos foi coletado sob necropsia, em condições estéreis, 1 a 2 horas post mortem, por meio de incisão uterina e acesso da região fetal supracitada. Depois as células isol...