Self-heterodyne detection is a popular method to determine the linewidth of a laser. However, the interpretation of self-heterodyne spectra is difficult if, apart from spontaneous emission, additional noise sources are present. Measurements on an external-cavity semiconductor laser show how, for a reiatively long delay, the high-frequency (Lorentzian) wings of the self-heterodyne spectrum are a sensitive measure for the quantum-limited (Schawlow-Townes) laser linewidth. The quantum-limited laser linewidth is shown to be inversely proportional to the output power. Values below 5 kHz are routinely measured. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) laser lineing the optical spectrum non-lorentzian and the self-heterodyne signal hard to interpret. This phase noise Often has ''few" high-frequency components so the tical spectrum will still have "Lorentzian" wings, dropping off like 1 /f2, wherefis the frequency deviation from line center, but its peak will be flattened and broadened.We have studied these issues experimentally for light from an extemal-cavity semiconductor laser. The heterodyne Spectrum of this laser light could not be fitted width is larger than this due to excess low-frequency fluctuations, which are shown to result from the presence of side modes.