PACS. 72.20.M -Galvanomagnetic and other magnetotransport effects.PACS. 73.40L -Semiconductor-to-semiconductor contacts, p-n junctions, and heterojunctions.Abstract. -We extend the model of McEuen et al. based on Biittiker's edge channel approach of the quantum Hall effect to predict the resistances measured on interior contacts, taking interchannel scattering into account by attaching fictitious voltage probes to the Hall conductor. I t is shown that interior contacts are very sensitive probes of the interchannel scattering. Between the i = 2 and i = 3 Hall plateaux, the interchannel scattering length L,,,t, is found to vary quasi-exponentially with the magnetic field B, with a value of Lscatt = 0.5 mm a t B = 3.5 T to Lscatt = 10 mm at B = 4.3 T.Carrier transport in the quantum Hall effect [l] (QHE) was first described using a 2 x 2 conductivity tensor Q. However, it has been recently demonstrated experimentally [2-41 that for low temperatures (T< 4 K) and low driving currents ( I < 100 nA), a description