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AbstractTransmission Raman measurements of a 1 mm thick sulphur-containing disc were made at different positions as it was moved through 4 mm of aspirin (150 -212 µm) or microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel) of different size ranges (<38, 53 -106 and 150 -212 µm). The transmission Raman intensity of the sulphur inter-layer at 218 cm -1 was lower when the disc was placed at the top or bottom of the powder bed, compared to positions within the bed and the difference between the sulphur intensity at the outer and inner positions increased with Avicel particle size. Also, the positional intensity difference was smaller for needle-shaped aspirin than for granular Avicel of the same size. The attenuation coefficients for the propagation of the exciting laser and transmitted Raman photons through the individual powders were the same, but decreased as the particle size of Avicel increased; also, the attenuation coefficients for propagation through 150 -212 µm aspirin were almost half of those through similar sized Avicel particles. The study has demonstrated that particulate size and type affect transmitted Raman intensities and consequently, such factors need to be considered in the analysis of powders especially if particle properties vary between the samples.2