BACKGROUND Ectopic cycle length (ECL) and the distribution patterns of ventricular bigeminy and trigeminy, expressed as their postextrasystolic intervals (PEIs) and interectopic intervals (IEIs), have been poorly pursued. OBJECTIVE Based on modulation theory, we hypothesized that the PEIs of bigeminy and trigeminy determine their IEIs and ECL. METHODS Ambulatory electrocardiograms of 1290 patients with ventricular premature complexes (3000/day) were studied. To quantify their distribution pattern on the PEI vs IEI curve (PIC), we introduced the following 2 ratios: PEI of trigeminy to PEI of bigeminy ratio (T/B-PEI) and IEI of trigeminy to IEI of bigeminy ratio (T/B-IEI). Distribution patterns were divided into 3 types by T/ B-PEI: standard type (,0.90), intermediate type (between 0.90 and 1.20), and reverse type (.1.20). ECL was defined as the average of the bigeminy and trigeminy intervals in the standard type, and bigeminy intervals in the other 2 types. RESULTS T/B-IEI disclosed significant linear relationship with T/B-PEI (P , .0001). ECLs were longest in the standard type (1905 6 347 ms; n 5 426), followed by the intermediate type (1520 6 239 ms; n 5 607) and reverse type (1317 6 227 ms; n 5 227) (P , .0001). Trigeminy PEI/ECL in the standard type (0.450 6 0.074) was significantly shorter than that of the other 2 types (P , .0001). CONCLUSION We confirmed that T/B-PEI determines T/B-IEI and ECL by discriminating the 3 distribution patterns. Among them, trigeminy PEI/ECL decided the 2 types of modulation by the first sinus QRS, starting at the early delay phase or the later acceleration phase.