A number of methods for the determination of NO2(g) The determination is based on the NO oxidation of tris 1,10-phenanthroline)-iron (I I) [ferroin] to its iron(III) analogue at a gas-liquid interface. Two continuous-flow manifolds for sample processing are described and compared. One incorporates a gas diffusion step in which a gas-permeable membrane separates a donor (sampling) stream from an acceptor (detecting) stream.Some of the air sample containing NO diffuses across the membrane into the detecting stream and there causes ferroin oxidation. In the other manifold, the NO-air sample is directly intercalated into the ferroin-containing liquid carrier; oxidation occurs at the gas-liquid interface. The extent of ferroin oxidation is amperometrically monitored at a carbon paste electrode and is proportional to the NO2 concentration in the air sample. The ferroin/ferriin redox couple is a reversible electrochemical system in which oxidation/reduction occurs without affecting the chemical structure of the 1,10-phenanthroline ligand. Some information on the electrochemistry of the ferroin/ferriin couple can be found in the literature [7]. An advantage of the reversibility of this redox process is that the ferriin produced during the oxidation with NO can be electrochemically reduced back to ferroin in a reagent reservoir and thereby can be used in a closed-loop system [8]. A similar direct intercalation procedure for the determination of SO2(g) has been reported [8,9] in which SO2(g) reduces di--hydroxo-bis[bis(1,10-phenanthroline)iron(III)] at a gas-liquid interface. The product of the reduction, ferroin, can be photometrically monitored at 510 nm [8] or amperometically at 965 mV (versus an Ag/AgC1 reference electrode) [9].