The study of beauty production in heavy-ion collisions is considered one of the key measurement to address the flavour-dependence of in-medium energy loss in PbPb collisions. In pPb collisions, studies of b-quark production can also provide insights into the relevance of cold nuclear matter effects in the heavy-flavour sector. The CMS experiment has excellent capabilities for measuring b-quark production thanks to the excellent performances of its muon and tracker system. In this talk, we will present the measurement of nuclear modification factors for fully reconstructed B mesons in pPb, and for the first time, pp and PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV, as a function of transverse momentum.
Presented at HardProbes2016 The 8th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-energy Nuclear CollisionsNuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings 00 (2016) 1-4
Nuclear and Particle Physics ProceedingsTa-Wei Wang on behalf of the CMS collaboration
AbstractThe study of beauty production in heavy-ion collisions is considered to be one of the key measurement to address the flavour-dependence of in-medium energy loss in PbPb collisions. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment has excellent capabilities for measuring b-quark production thanks to the excellent performances of its muon and tracker system. In this talk, the measurement of nuclear modification factor of fully reconstructed B mesons for the first time in pp and PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV as a function of transverse momentum will be presented.