We present experimental results of -atomic and -molecular processes induced by negative muons in pure helium and helium-deuterium mixtures. The experiment was performed at the Paul Scherrer Institute ͑Swit-zerland͒. We measured relative intensities of muonic x-ray K series transitions in ͑ 3,4 He͒ * atoms in pure helium as well as in helium-deuterium mixtures. The d 3 He radiative decay probabilities for two different helium densities in D 2 + 3 He mixture were also determined. Finally, the q 1sHe probability for a d atom formedin an excited state to reach the ground state was measured and compared with theoretical calculations using a simple cascade model. ͑see Refs. ͓43,44͔͒. The effective d 3 He decay rates for both rotational states, J = 0 and J = 1 are defined as dec J = ␥ J + e J + p J . ͑40͒ FIG. 7. Energy spectra of the delayed events in runs III ͑left͒ and IV ͑right͒. FIG. 8. Time distributions in runs III ͑left͒ and IV ͑right͒ within the energy range 5.74− 7.50 keV. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF -ATOMIC AND -MOLECULAR PROCESSES… PHYSICAL REVIEW A 71, 032723 ͑2005͒ 032723-9