We reconsider a class of well motivated supersymmetric models in which inflation is associated with the breaking of a gauge symmetry G to H , with the symmetry breaking scale M ∼ 10 16 GeV. Starting with a renormalizable superpotential, we include both radiative and supergravity corrections to derive the inflationary potential. The scalar spectral index n s can exceed unity in some cases, and it cannot be smaller than 0.98 if the number of e-foldings corresponding to the present horizon scale is around 60. Two distinct variations of this scenario are discussed in which non-renormalizable terms allowed by the symmetries are included in the superpotential, and one finds n s 0.97. The models discussed feature a tensor to scalar ratio r 10 −4 , while dn s /d ln k 10 −3 . If G corresponds to SO(10) or one of its rank five subgroups, the observed baryon asymmetry is naturally explained via leptogenesis.