The analysis of nonclassical rotational response of superfluids and superconductors was performed by Onsager (in 1949) [1] and London (in 1950) [2] and crucially advanced by Feynman (in 1955) [3]. It was established that, in thermodynamic limit, neutral superfluids rotate by forming-without any threshold-a vortex lattice. In contrast, the rotation of superconductors at angular frequency Ω-supported by uniform magnetic field BL ∝ Ω due to surface currents-is of the rigid-body type (London Law). Here we show that, neglecting the centrifugal effects, the behavior of a rotating superconductor is identical to that of a superconductor placed in a uniform fictitious external magnetic filedH = −BL. In particular, the isomorphism immediately implies the existence of two critical rotational frequencies in type-2 superconductors.Superconductors and superfluids are distinguished by their Non-Classical Rotational Response (NCRR), strikingly different from the rotational response of ordinary states of matter. The NCRRs have a high degree of universality rooted in the fact that superconductors and superfluid break U(1) symmetry and, at long-length scales, are described by a complex scalar field theory. Rotating superfluids form vortex lattices [1,3], which is routinely used to demonstrate superfluid properties.By contrast, a rotational response of a superconductor-known as the London Law [2]-is different. It is derived from the minimal, constantdensity (n = const) model of superconductivitywhere F is the free energy density, φ is the superconducting phase, A is the vector potential, m and e are the fundamental constants: the mass and charge of the electron. To simplify notation we employ the units = c = 1, in which q and γ are the absolute value of bare electric charge and bare inverse mass of two electrons. According to London [2], the superconductor, rotating with the angular velocity Ω, generates the magnetic fieldCurrent experimental observations are consistent with the universal character of London's Law (see, e.g., [4,5]). London effect also contributes to the magnetic field of pulsars, which are rotating protonic superconductors. Below we show that the state of a rapidly rotating type-2 superconductor becomes different from the London one. The general solution to the problem is readily obtained by observing that there is an isomorphism between rotating superconductor and a non-rotating superconductor in a uniform external magnetic field.Assuming electroneutrality as a natural physical condition and confining ourselves, for simplicity, with the constant-density regime, we put superconducting matter field onto a uniformly rotating uniformly charged background. (In superconducting metals, the background charge is associated with the crystal lattice of positively charged ions. In the case of protonic superconductivity in a neutron star, the background charge comes from normal electrons.) In a neutral superfluid, rotation is equivalent to introduction of a fictitious vector potential (and also the centrifugal potential, whi...