Abstract. Almost all of the heavy elements are produced via neutron capture reactions in a multitude of stellar production sites. The predictive power of the underlying stellar models is currently limited because they contain poorly constrained physics components such as convection, rotation or magnetic fields.Neutron captures measurements on heavy radioactive isotopes provide a unique opportunity to largely improve these physics components, and thereby address important questions of nuclear astrophysics. Such species are branch-points in the otherwise uniquely defined path of subsequent neutron captures along the s-process path in the valley of stability. These branch points reveal themselves through unmistakable signatures recovered from pre-solar meteoritic grains that originate in individual element producing stars.Measurements on radioactive isotopes for neutron energies in the keV region represent a stringent challenge for further improvements of experimental techniques. This holds true for the neutron sources, the detection systems and the technology to handle radioactive material.
IntroductionAbout 50% of the element abundances beyond iron are produced via slow neutron capture nucleosynthesis (s process). Starting at iron-peak seed, the s-process mass flow follows the neutron rich side of the valley of stability via a sequence of neutron captures and β − decays (see Figure 1) synthesizing the elements between iron and bismuth.If different reaction rates are comparable, the s-process path branches and the branching ratio reflects the physical conditions in the interior of the star. Such nuclei are most interesting, because they provide the tools to effectively constrain modern models of the stars where the nucleosynthesis occurs. As soon as the β − decay is significantly faster than the typically competing neutron capture, no branching will take place. Therefore experimental neutron capture data for the s process are only needed, if the respective neutron capture time under stellar conditions is similar or smaller than the β − decay time, which includes all stable isotopes. Depending on the actual neutron density during the s process, the "line of interest" is closer to or farther away from the valley of stability.The modern picture of the main s-process component refers to the He shell burning phase in AGB stars [1]. Nuclei with masses between 90 and 209 are mainly produced during the main component. The highest neutron densities in this model occur during the 22 Ne(α,n) phase and are up to 10 12 cm −3 with temperatures around kT = 30 keV. The other extreme can be found during the 13 C(α,n) phase where neutron densities as low as 10 7 cm −3 and temperatures around kT = 5 keV are possible. Similarly to the main component, also the weak component referring to different evolutionary stages in massive stars has to phases [2,3]. Mainly nuclei with masses