AcknowledgementsFirst of all I would like to express my great thanks to my supervisor doc. RNDr.Stanislav Tokár, CSc. for his support. He advised me to became a part of the CDF collaboration at Fermilab, where I met a lot of excellent physicists. He always had time to answer my questions, helped me to understand the present high energy physics as well as discussed with me any analysis result or any problem -physical or technical -that I met during my study.My special thanks belongs to Veronica Sorin for her guiding me trough the analysis, she has taught me how to negotiate the problems by a further studies. Her enthusiasm for the work inspired me.I want to thanks also to other members of the top charge group -Veronique Boisvert, Yen-Chu Chen, Andy Beretvas, Jaroslav Antos, from whom I learned many things trough the discussions on our weekly meetings. Kl 'úč ové slová: náboj top kvarku, experiment CDF, váhovanie náboja trekov, b-jet.
AbstractWe report on the measurement of the top quark electric charge using the jet charge of data, that the p-value under the standard model hypothesis is equal to 13.4%, while the p-value under the exotic model hypothesis is equal to 0.014%. Using the a priori criteria generally accepted by the CDF collaboration, we can say that the result is consistent with the standard model, while we exclude an exotic quark hypothesis with 95% confidence. Using the Bayesian approach, we obtain for the Bayes factor (2ln(BF )) a value of 19.6, that favors very strongly the SM hypothesis over the XM one. The presented method has the highest sensitivity to the top quark electric charge among the presented so far top quark charge analysis.