The viscoelasticity of actin networks is probed over an extended range of frequencies using microrheology techniques, where the thermal motion of small beads in the network is measured using diffusing-wave spectroscopy. Despite large sample-to-sample variations, the data exhibit an unexpected scaling behavior and can all be collapsed onto a single master curve, indicative of a surprising universality in the elastic properties. The scaled data provide a precise measure of the average behavior of the actin networks and indicate that at high frequencies v, the shear modulus, increases as v 3͞4 . [ S0031-9007(99) PACS numbers: 87.19.Tt, 61.25.Hq, 83.10.Nn, 83.50.Fc Eukaryotic cells owe their mechanical strength mainly to the cytoskeleton, an intricate network of filamentous proteins such as tubulin, vimentin, spectrin, and actin [1]. Filamentous or F-actin, the most abundant of these cytoskeletal proteins, forms by the polymerization of actin monomers in the presence of K 1 or Mg 21 , resulting in a semiflexible polymer that can be many microns long. Its persistence length, l p , has been measured to be about 10 20 mm [2-4], about 3 orders of magnitude larger than the filament diameter, d7 nm [5]. Because of this large aspect ratio, actin filaments form semidilute solutions at extremely low volume fractions w ϳ ͑d͞l p ͒ 2 , with an elastic modulus orders of magnitude larger than that of flexible polymers at the same volume fraction. A theoretical understanding of this elasticity is still controversial; very different results are predicted using effective medium models [6], models based on mechanical networks [7,8], networks of semiflexible molecules with effectively permanent cross-links [9], and models which consider the unique properties of networks, at different concentrations, of semiflexible polymers [6,[10][11][12][13]. Experimental measures of the modulus also suffer from wide variations, with reported values of the frequency dependent elastic modulus, G 0 ͑v͒, varying by as much as 2 orders of magnitude for apparently identical samples [14]. While the origin of this variation is not fully resolved, it is likely a combined effect caused by the variation in the filament length distribution and by the presence of small quantities of proteins which can act as chemical cross-links, leading to dramatic, but random, changes in the modulus. A definitive test of the proposed theoretical models requires a highly purified sample with carefully controlled filament length distribution [15]. However, it is perhaps even more crucial to develop a better understanding of the behavior of the actin networks more typically produced, both to better comprehend their properties and to determine the origin of the variability.One feature of the elastic response of actin networks that should transcend the difficulty in obtaining reproducible shear moduli is the behavior at high frequencies.When the wavelength of elastic excitation is shorter than the average spacing between entanglements, the modulus should be sensitive only to p...