We present an improved determination of the proton structure functions F2 and xF3 from the CCFR ν-Fe deep inelastic scattering (DIS) experiment. Comparisons to high-statistics chargedlepton scattering results for F2 from the NMC, E665, SLAC, and BCDMS experiments, after correcting for quark-charge and heavy-target effects, indicate good agreement for x > 0.1 but some discrepancy at lower x. The Q 2 evolution of both the F2 and xF3 structure functions yields the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) scale parameter Λ NLO,(4) M S = 337 ± 28(exp.) M eV . This corresponds to a value of the strong coupling constant at the scale of mass of the Z-boson of αS(M 2 Z ) = 0.119 ± 0.002(exp.)±0.004(theory) and is one of the most precise measurements of this quantity.PACS numbers: 13.15.+g, 12.38. Qk, 24.85.+p, 25.30.Pt High-energy neutrinos are a unique probe for testing QCD and understanding the parton properties of nucleon structure. Combinations of neutrino and antineutrino scattering data are used to determine the F 2 and xF 3 structure functions (SFs) which determine the valence, sea, and gluon parton distributions in the nucleon [1,2]. The universalities of parton distributions can also be studied by comparing neutrino and charged-lepton scattering data. Past measurements have indicated that F ν 2 differs from F e/µ 2 by 10-20% in the low-x region. These differences are larger than the quoted experimental errors of the measurements and may indicate the need for modifications of the theoretical modeling to include higher-order or new physics contributions. QCD predicts the scaling violations (Q 2 dependence) of F 2 and xF 3 and, experimentally, the observed scaling violations can be tested against those predictions to determine α S [3] or the related QCD scale parameter, Λ QCD . The α S determination from neutrino scattering has a small theoretical uncertainty since the electroweak radiative corrections, scale uncertainties, and next-to-leading order (NLO) corrections are well understood.In this paper, we present an updated analysis of the Columbia-Chicago-Fermilab-Rochester (CCFR) collaboration neutrino scattering data with improved estimates of quark model parameters [4] and systematic uncertainties. The α S measurement from this analysis is one of the most precise due to the high energy and statistics of the experiment compared to previous measurements [5,6].