Electric quadrupole coupling constant eqQ/ h of the extremely protonrich 23 Al (I π = 5/2 + , T 1/2 = 0.47 s) nucleus implanted into an Al 2 O 3 single crystal has been measured for the first time, using the β-ray detecting nuclear quadrupole resonance method (β-NQR) in a high magnetic field. As a preliminary result, the quadrupole coupling constant was determined as |eqQ/ h( 23 Al)| = 2.66 ± 0.77 MHz. Using the quadrupole coupling constant of 27 Al in Al 2 O 3 as a reference, the Q moment of the ground state of 23 Al was extracted as |Q( 23 Al)| ∼ 160 mb, which is well explained by the shell model calculation in the sd-shell model space with the USD interaction.