We show that the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) has the potential to deliver world-leading results in solar neutrinos. Significant but realistic new efforts would be required. With an exposure of 100 kton-year, DUNE could detect 10 5 signal events above 5 MeV. Separate precision measurements of neutrino-mixing parameters and the 8 B flux could be made using two detection channels (νe + 40 Ar and νe,µ,τ + e − ) and the day-night effect (> 10σ). New particle physics may be revealed through the comparison of solar neutrinos (with matter effects) and reactor neutrinos (without), which is discrepant by ∼ 2σ (and could become 5.6σ). New astrophysics may be revealed through the most precise measurement of the 8 B flux (to 2.5%) and the first detection of the hep flux (to 11%). DUNE is required: No other experiment, even proposed, has been shown capable of fully realizing these discovery opportunities.12 θ 2 sin 0.2 0.3 0.4